Registered in:
Trinidad & Tobago - 2014

Mikel Moriba Kwasi Mc Millan
Mikel started swimming at the age of three (3) years and today he is a promising 10 year old Competitive swimmers from Trinidad and Tobago. He resides in Princes Town, and trains with Bluefins Aquatic Swim Club which is based at St. Michael’s Swimming Pool, Carib Street in the city of San Fernando. Mikel is competitive by nature, with a true passion for swimming, once he dons his jammers and steps on the starting block he is a focused, fierce, indomitable and disciplined competitor. Standing at 5’5” at ten years his presence cannot be ignored.
Mikel is able to apply the same degree of dedication and discipline utilized in swimming to his academic work. He is a Standard Four (4) student at the Princes Town Methodist Primary School and a shining example of what a student should be, in the learning arena. Mikel is able to produce what is certified as “Academic Excellence”, over the last academic year. He demonstrates leadership qualities among his peers, and as such he was democratically elected as the School House Prefect for the second consecutive year.
Mikel is an all-round student, he eagerly participants in all school activities. He is a member of the school’s Choir, he is also a member of the school’s football team where in their first year of competing they were able to make it all the way to the semi-finals in the recently concluded District level Primary Schools Football Competition. He also represented his school in Field Events at the Zonal Sports competition.
Mikel has represented Princes Town Methodist Primary School at several Schools Swim Meets since 2017. He has brought glory to Princes Town Methodist Primary School each time he mounts the podium to receive medals and trophies.
Mikel is also an ambassador on the International Consultants for Organizational Development (ICOD) Global, Youth in Sport (YIS) Mentoring Programme under the firm’s Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative. The YIS programme seeks to support young and upcoming athletes in their quest for excellence in their respective sporting disciplines by creating opportunities for development. This is achieved by the firm providing free mental skills training for the young athletes and networking/negotiating to provide resources (equipment, training and financial) otherwise not available to the athletes.